Scott helped a groundbreaking and internationally successful CEO and his leadership team find their feet in a new American market.

There’s a lot of pressure and stress breaking into a new market with a team that doesn’t know each other very well. But Scott brought this diverse group together. He got everyone to understand what my dream is: for everyone to come to work as their true selves, exactly who they are, nothing left out. I’m super stoked for the future.
I was able to access creative energy in a way I never expected. I also learned to make decisions from a more present and connected place, trusting that seeing things for what they are makes things a lot less scary.
I feel like this is the beginning of a completely different evolution of Simple Feast that is truly healing, not just for the customers we serve, but also for everyone involved. People arrive at our company and they subconsciously understand that this is more than a job. And because of this workshop with Scott, I feel like my leadership team understands that now, and it’ll translate into real change for a lot of people in a really positive way.
- Jakob Jønk, CEO of Simple Feast

It’s impossible to compare how we were before Scott's workshop as a team and how we are now. Working with Scott was life changing. I’ve honestly learned so much about myself. This has been truly amazing. I’ve broken down barriers and never felt so in sync with myself. I want to dive into work - I feel so energized and part of the team. The trust among us is completely different. I’m ready to jump straight in. I’m sure we can get to some amazing results together. I’m a person that’s normally very controlled and this totally put me out of my comfort zone, and now I feel like a more compassionate person than I’ve ever been before. This workshop was the missing link, and it’s so practical and applicable to daily life.
- Frederik Henriques, Chief of Staff at Simple Feast

Scott led all the new Kinrgy Guides in a fully immersive workshop to prepare them for the launch of the platform, so they were completely connected to each other, the company, and representative of the brand that Julianne built.

I’ve posted a little bit about the transformation I’ve been going through this year. I’ve had so many amazing people and teachers supporting me and guiding me on my journey. One of those special teachers in particular is one of my dearest friends in the whole world Scott Picard. I owe so much of my growth connecting to myself as a human and leader to Scott. He has helped guide me, and countless women and men connect to their power. Their truth. He also happens to be one of the most compassionate, kind, giving and impactful humans on this planet.
- Julianne Hough, Founder & CEO of KINRGY

Scott guided an established music technology company to reimagine and relaunch itself during the global pandemic.

Working with Scott, I have never seen such simultaneously rapid and long lasting results. He led my company, Beat of the Week, through a workshop, and within 2 months, we started earning revenue where there was none before. Our team is connected even though we work remotely, efficient even though we work in tech, and we have an unbelievably strong foundation that Scott led us to. We rely on this foundation every day to fall back on and reconnect to whenever someone in the organization is struggling or whenever we are trying to make big pushes forward.
- Alexis Sones, CEO, COO and Co-Founder of Beat of the Week

I didn't know what to expect from Scott's workshop, because my boss just made me come to a workshop one day. But Scott is a neutral and benevolent guide and leader. He didn’t tell us once how to feel or how to act. He asked us questions that forced us to search within ourselves for answers. I never felt like he was trying to pry things from me. He was just allowing me to show up with whatever I brought today. I’m deeply reflecting on the impactful moments of my life. I learned that the way my ego deals with fear, pain, anger, even joy, can take away from my fire and my creativity. The more dormant my desires and ambition are, the worse off the company is. He encouraged us to wrestle with our internal and external conflicts in a way that strengthened our team relationships.
- Matt Sherman, CMO of Beat of the Week LLC

Scott helped the Founder and CEO of Delighted By understand the complete power of the individual when fully integrated to the dynamics of a successful brand.

Scott and our 1:1 sessions literally changed my life. At first it was a bit confronting but very quickly I trusted Scott to help me discover parts of myself that were yet to be revealed and understood. Our work together allowed me to step more into my power, to understand how to hold my own wounds even in the midst of discomfort, how to support myself in all areas of life, to speak my fierce truth even when I’m scared shitless, and to stand taller in myself overall. In our work together, I let go of caring what others think and I began to finally trust myself, my intuition, and my power. Scott is ruthlessly honest, which in my opinion is the only type of mentor that should exist. My relationships, my intimacy with my romantic partner, and the way I hold myself as a leader has all improved drastically because of the wisdom and initiation I received while working with Scott. Thank you Scott for bringing this work to the world in your unique way, and for holding me to my greatness. I love you!
- Makenzie Marzluff, Founder of Delighted by Desserts